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Striker Protocols Surrounding Student Safety

The Crystal Lake Strikers take student safety very seriously. Parents trust us with their children, and we hold that trust in high regard.  With that in mind, we have a single policy for the organization. The underlying philosophy is to protect the students and the Strikers organization.


The Strikers use numerous mechanisms to implement our safety system, including written policies, online training, in-person training, background checks, student reminders, and reporting protocols.


Key attributes:

  • The Crystal Lake Strikers Board of Directors, and the directors of each ensemble, complete mandatory safety training and undergo background checks.

  • All instructors for our ensembles complete mandatory safety training.

  • All instructors, 18 or older, for our ensembles undergo background checks.

  • Parents and volunteers with a reasonable degree of student contact (as identified by the director of the respective ensemble) shall undergo background checks and complete safety training.

  • We provide a variety of methods for students to report concerns. These methods are posted in highly visible areas of the Strikers facility.

  • Issues and concerns are handled at the lowest appropriate level, with checks and balances in place to ensure that treatment and responses are appropriate. The escalation path is;

Director → Compliance Officer → Strikers President → Law Enforcement.

  • The Board of Directors created the role of Compliance Officer to ensure these policies and procedures are followed.


We hope this statement provides you clear information on how the Strikers will handle safety concerns for your student. If you have questions, please contact the director of your ensemble.

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